= 1.39.0 ( 2025-01-28 ) =
- Enhancement: Phone field validation
- Enhancement: Optimize DB queries and their execution frequency
- Enhancement: Add block previews and update Forminator icon in Gutenberg editor
- Enhancement: Migrate packages and build to support @Wordpress/element and native React from WordPress
- Enhancement: Remove deprecated classes from integrations
- Enhancement: Improve method to fetch upload directory
- New: Add submission date placeholder
- New: Add filter to disable Cloud Template features
- New: Add Filter to disable all payment-related features
- Fix: Stripe Field doesn't load when Visibility Condition is set for Stripe Field with Live Mode
- Fix: Link to Stripe Payment Methods goes to test dashboard
- Fix: No error is displayed when Stripe Tax ID is invalid
- Fix: Stripe field error in Course Enrollment Form
- Fix: Incorrect country ordering if translation is applied
- Fix: Certain long numbers are messed up when pushed to Google Sheet integration
- Fix: When you input the form's name and hit the "Enter" button multiple times, it creates multiple forms
- Fix: Phone field with international validation appears broken inside Group field
- Fix: Form redirect behavior is not working properly
- Fix: Modern multi-select style breaks other field Visibility Conditions
- Fix: "Is before" and "Is after" conditions are not working as expected
- Fix: Disable removal of dial code for International Validation
- Fix: Double country flag when there is an error after form submission
- Fix: Draft Submitted/Expired warning is not shown if form is loaded via Ajax
- Fix: Import certain forms fails
- Fix: iFrame is removed from HTML field
- Fix: Country names don't appear properly in international phone field when using Colibri WP Theme
- Fix: Signature field is not shown as full width when it is inserted after page break
- Fix: Creating new form with Stripe field and without connecting it causes an error
- Fix: Error Message for Password strength setting contains an HTML entity code
- Fix: Select field options without value issue
- Fix: Address label is not translated when {all_fields} is used in Email Notification
- Fix: PHP notice on Submissions page
- Fix: Fatal error when ActionScheduler tables are missing
1.38.2 ( 2025-01-13 )
- Fix: Stripe field shows subscription terms on One Time plans
- Fix: Phone field in Material Design has unnecessary space for the country flag
Forminator Pro Changelog v1.38.1 ( 2024-12-24 )
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the Forminator Elementor widget disappearing
- Fix: Resolved a bug affecting country selection in the phone field on mobile devices
Forminator Pro Changelog Version 1.38.0 ( 2024-12-18 ) =
- Enhancement: Add support for Stripe Dynamic Payment Methods
- Enhancement: Pass subscription ID in webhooks
- Enhancement: Improve Paypal Venmo integration
- Enhancement: Support for Stripe Subscriptions individual field tags
- Enhancement: Update get_entries() API method
- Fix: "Ready to go!" popup modal disappears after publishing the form
- Fix: Compatibility with Extra theme
- Fix: Wrong country flag on phone field
- Fix: Forms do not accept some file types even if they are allowed
- Fix: Deprecated notice when you connect Google Sheets
- Fix: The payment Receipt option does not work with subscriptions
- Fix: Empty screen appears when entering the name for Google sheet integration and then clicking on the "Enter" buttons
- Fix: Form Lifespan -> Expiry Date option does not work
- Fix: No warning message shows on imported form with subscription plan when stripe addon is disabled
- Fix: PHP error when a different WordPress language is selected
- Fix: Moving to the appearance tab in Poll throws console warnings
- Fix: PHP warning when submitting the registration form
Forminator Pro v1.37.1 ( 2024-11-25 ) =
- Fix: Conflict with Divi child themes
- Fix: Calculation field does not work due to Number Formatting
- Fix: Notice for _load_textdomain_just_in_time called incorrectly since WordPress v6.7
= v1.37.0 ( 2024-11-19 ) =
- Enhancement: New Basic Style mode for Forms
- Enhancement: Add Use Theme Colors option
- Fix: Low-level roles can create a Registration form
- Fix: Security improvements
- Fix: Incorrect access to Preset and Cloud templates for users on the Free plan
- Fix: Low-level roles can Approve or Delete Users when manual approval is set for the registration form
- Fix: PayPal payment cancellation fully prevents form submission with no option to re-try payment until the form is reloaded
- Fix: Calculation error in the donation template when the "other" donation option is selected
- Fix: Add missed settings for Appearance Presets
- Fix: Syntax error in CSS file causing issues with Litespeed Cache plugin UCSS
- Fix: Issue with creating the registration form
- Fix: No calendar background when the Colibri WP theme is active
- Fix: Upload file inline validation does not work for some file types
- Fix: Signature UI is broken on the Submission page in some cases
- Fix: All polls become inactive when there is more than 1 poll on a page and one of them is submitted
- Fix: Add security notice for Registration Forms for administrator roles
- Fix: Adding odd technical text on PDF files
Forminator Pro Release Note = 1.36.2 ( 2024-10-23 ) =
- Fix: Remove development dependencies from the plugin
Forminator Pro Release Note = 1.36.0 ( 2024-10-09 ) =
- Enhancement: Update Google Sheets integration library.
- Enhancement: Update phone number validation library.
- Fix: Improve compatibility with the Paid Memberships Pro plugin.
- Fix: Resolve issue where Forminator reCaptcha fails when both Defender 2FA and reCaptcha are enabled on login form.
- Fix: Correct CSS syntax error causing LiteSpeed Cache plugin's UCSS to break.
- Fix: Address field preview issue when using the Full Site Editor and the Gutenberg Forminator Form block.
- Fix: Resolve signature field display issue in full-width mode.
- Fix: Prevent blank page on poll submission when "Display Results" is enabled and rendering is done via AJAX.
- Fix: Escape unescaped characters in participant email titles for quizzes with leads enabled.
- Fix: Ensure special characters are correctly counted in textarea fields when a character limit is set.
- Fix: Resolve issue where number fields with comma separators caused URL redirects to fail.
- Fix: Address conflicts between field conditions when switching between options.
- Fix: Correct template translation issues.
- Fix: Ensure redirects work properly based on date conditions.
- Fix: Resolve custom spacing issue in the "None" design style.
- Fix: Apply security improvements.