Kadence Shop Kit - Grow Your eCommerce Revenue

GPL Kadence Shop Kit - Grow Your eCommerce Revenue V2.3.2

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Kadence Shop Kit is a WordPress plugin that provides advanced functionality to your e-commerce website. It is designed to enhance the customer experience and increase the functionality of your online store.

Customize your Product Layout​

Supercharge the WordPress block editor to create dynamic and attractive product layouts with Kadence Shop Kit’s custom template builder.

Advanced Gallery Styles​

Display product images that convert customers by customizing how your gallery works on mobile, tablet, and desktop.

Variation Swatches​

Create innovative ways to display product variations, including color swatches, image swatches, and radio boxes. Set displays on an attribute-by-attribute basis to optimize the best look for each variation.

Variation Galleries​

Show product galleries with images that match the variation, meaning if the color variation is red all the images show a red product, if the selected variation is blue all the images change to show a blue product.

Advanced Reviews​

Create immediate social proof with great reviews, voting capabilities, and order reviews to show the highest-voted reviews first. Display a review overview board.

Custom Global Tabs​

Build dynamic informational tabs using the WordPress block editor to unlock any kind of global tab layout you desire with Shop Kit’s custom template builder.

Sizing Charts​

Simplify sizing decisions with easy-to-build size charts that can be applied to one product or to a whole product category. Add size charts to the product page as a tab, or use a button that opens a modal with your site chart.

Product Brands​

Leverage brand influence on product displays, choosing where to show on archive and single product pages. Show recognizable logos, or just the brand name. Add a filter-by-brands widget to your site.

Affiliate Product Options​

Grow your revenue capabilities by unlocking affiliate sales with the Shop Kit affiliate product options.

Variation Price Control​

Optionally change how your variable products display pricing by showing either the lowest or highest price in the variable product.

Custom Labels​

Build unique and creative custom text labels for a more personalized shopping experience. “Add to Cart” easily becomes “Buy Shoes.” Take the mystery out of variable products setting specific archives names instead of “select options.”
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Latest updates

  1. Kadence Shop Kit Update Release V2.3.2

    Kadence Shop Kit Released Note v2.3.2 | 28th October 2024 Fix: Issue with variation swatches...