- Demo & Sales Page
Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia, Flutter widgets incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts to provide full native performance on both iOS and Android.
MightyWeb app is used to convert your Web Site to Application Mobile. With backend admin panel, you can setup your app configuration without updating your app.
App Features:
- Promote With In-app Message - Build into the app experience by reaching your whole app audience with amazing in-app messages functionality.
- Customizable Splash Screen - Optimize your app screen loading time with easily customizable color and background of your Splash Screen in few clicks.
- Push Notification: Push notification is a powerful marketing tool with a number of benefits including high opt-in rates, low un-subscription rates, multiple use cases.
- Gradient Color Support: Use bright, luminous colors and interesting solid and gradient colors in your project with Mighty Web’s color combinations.
- Side Drawer Menu: Now you can enjoy the benefits of Dynamic Drawer Menu in your app project. You can add menu items dynamically to your navigation drawer.
- Bottom Navigation Style: Mighty Web lets you set the bottom navigation dynamically which can include the same badges.
- App Bar Style and Navigation Icons: Don’t get stuck at the top of the screen. Now Create an app bar of dimension as you want. Increase the power of your App bar with Mighty Web.
- Loader Style: While the rest of the page’s content is still loading. Mighty Web offers creative loader style to let your users hang in there tight.
- Theme Style: Mighty Web holds stunning options of Theme styles that you can apply to your mobile app to define your app better.
- Support of any website: Mighty Web has interactive app demos to show off your product’s features in a powerful way that keeps users engaged.
- Multiple Language Support: Mighty Web empowers you with multiple language support so that you can build your localized app seamlessly.
- Admob Integration: You can monetize your app with Admob. Please banner ads on the bottom of page and full screen ads on the start of the app. You can disable it from the app configuration page.
- Html5 Game Support: MightyWeb app supports HTML5 games and you can play the game inside the app.
- Media Support: MightyWeb supports video (Youtube, vimeo, HTML5 videos etc), audio(.mp3, .wav etc), all image format and animated image (.gif).
- File Upload/Download: MightyWeb will allow you to upload and download files.
- User-Agents: Mighty Web follows the industry standard for device identification that your app can also use.
- Dynamic TabBar with style Support: With Mighty Web, You can customize your TabBar in various styles.
- Multiple WalkThrough(onboard) Support: With Mighty Web, You can select from three uniquely build onboard styles
- Communication Support
- RTL Support
- Dark & Light Mode
- GPS Support
- Floating Action Button with menu style Support
- Social Media Share
- Deeplink Support
- Without PHP Support
Admin Features:
- Admin Dashboard
- App Configuration
- Admob Configuration
- Set Progressbar Style
- Set Theme Style
- Set TabBar Configuration
- Set Bottom Navigation Configuration
- Set Header Icons and navigation style
- Onesignal push notification configuration
- Send push notification
- Set About Us app content
- Set Splash Configuration
- Set WalkThrough Configuration
- Set Floating Avtion Button Configuration
- Release updated Json