PixelYourSite Pro - 20 November, 2024
- Fixing a possible issue affecting WooComemrce subscriptions.
- Fixing a possible conflict with Elementor Pro.
PixelYourSite Pro V11.1.0.2
- New options related to our native Google Tags data layer are available on the Google Tags Settings page. You can choose between our default names (dataLayerPYS – RECOMMENDED), the usual name, dataLayer (it can create conflicts when using our native tags along our GTM integration), or a custom name. These options are useful if there are conflicts between our names and the names declared by external scripts.
- Support for the new_customer parameter for our native Google Tags and GTM – WooCommerce and EDD Purchase events. This parameter is used by Google Ads New Customer campaigns.
- “Send just the data layer” option for our GTM integration.
- WooCommerce and EDD item prices will follow the settings configured under Value Options about taxes (include, exclude).
- WooCommerce and EDD events values updated: value options will now affect all the tags. We recommend sending value to Purchase events, but value is also supported for product events, cart events, and checkout events.
- ON/OFF options for each tag added on the main page. We removed almost similar options from the tags settings pages.
- New options for GTM custom events: add automated parameters in the data layer, remove the customTrigger object, use a custom name for the custom parameters object.
- Fixing a small bug related to the GTM object name used to track custom event parameters.
PixelYourSite Pro Release 11.1.0 - 13 November, 2024
- New options related to our native Google Tags data layer are available on the Google Tags Settings page. You can choose between our default names (dataLayerPYS – RECOMMENDED), the usual name, dataLayer (it can create conflicts when using our native tags along our GTM integration), or a custom name. These options are useful if there are conflicts between our names and the names declared by external scripts.
- Support for the new_customer parameter for our native Google Tags and GTM – WooCommerce and EDD Purchase events. This parameter is used by Google Ads New Customer campaigns.
- “Send just the data layer” option for our GTM integration.
- WooCommerce and EDD item prices will follow the settings configured under Value Options about taxes (include, exclude).
- WooCommerce and EDD events values updated: value options will now affect all the tags. We recommend sending value to Purchase events, but value is also supported for product events, cart events, and checkout events.
- ON/OFF options for each tag added on the main page. We removed almost similar options from the tags settings pages.
- New options for GTM custom events: add automated parameters in the data layer, remove the customTrigger object, use a custom name for the custom parameters object.
- Fixing a small bug related to the GTM object name used to track custom event parameters.
PixelYourSite Pro Release Note 11.0.1 - 28 October, 2024
- A new GTM configuration download file will set up a GTM container with variables tracking all our parameters and triggers tracking all our events. Version 1.0 of the file will also configure GA4 tags.
- Changes to the GTM data layer variable name to avoid possible conflicts.
- New GTM data layer structure that will make it easier to track our data.
- Fixing a possible conflict with WPRocket that resulted in the plugin being disabled on pages created with the cache pre-load feature.
- A new option that lets you remove bots from the disallow list using their user-name.
- Now you can disable bot blocking functionality if it creates problems.
PixelYourSite Pro Release Note 11.0.0 - 8 October, 2024
- Google Tag Manager Support. It’s now possible to install a GTM container. We push all our default and custom events to the GTM Data Layer. This is only a beta version and we plan to develop it further. In the future, we will offer an Import file to implement a GMT container with all the triggers and variables required to track our events and parameters, plus the most popular tags.
- Multiple triggers for our events: when configuring events with the plugin you can now use multiple triggers (logic AND).
- WPML option for WooCommerce events: you select the main language IDs for e-commerce events making it possible to use localized feeds for your catalogs.
- Improving our crawler detect feature that can block a large number of known crawlers from triggering API events.
- Fixing possible conflicts with other plugins using outdated versions of the Guzzle library.
- Fixing a possible issue with YouTube and Vimeo scripts.
- Fixing a possible issue with item category tracking for some WooCommerce events.
- Fixing and improving the code.
PixelYourSite Pro Release Note:
- Improving some queries to avoid memory issues.
- Fixing a problem related to lifetime value and Advanced Marketing Events.
PixelYourSite Pro Release Note:
- Fixing possible issues and conflicts.
- Minimum PHP requirements 7.2.5.