Dynamic Pricing For WooCommerce

New Dynamic Pricing For WooCommerce V3.3.1

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9Nex Staff
9Nex.org submitted a new resource:

Dynamic Pricing For WooCommerce - WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plugin is a tool for online stores using the WooCommerce platform.

Configure bulk discounts for each product in your store by creating a table of quantities and discount amounts. Choose from fixed price adjustments, percentage adjustments or set a fixed price for the product. Optionally choose roles the pricing rule should be applied for.

Choose how to tally the quantities used in the quantity pricing table. Choose to tally quantities based on the cart quantity of the product, each individual variation, each cart line item (useful when using Product...

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9Nex.org updated Dynamic Pricing For WooCommerce with a new update entry:

Dynamic Pricing For WooCommerce Update Release V3.3.1

2025.01.26 - version 3.3.1​

  • New: Added filter, wc_dynamic_pricing_legacy_adjust_on_session_loaded, to allow users to enable the legacy adjustment on session loaded.
  • Update: Load brands rules if the product_brand taxonomy exists and is registered.
  • Update: WC and WP Compatibility updates.
  • Update: Copyright notice.

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