WP Frontend Admin (Premium)

New WP Frontend Admin (Premium) V1.22.3

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9Nex Staff
9Nex.org submitted a new resource:

WP Frontend Admin (Premium) - Admin Dashboards for WaaS/SaaS services and Frontend Management of WordPress sites.

Best Seller plugin for Creating Frontend Dashboards for regular WordPress sites, Multisite Networks, WaaS / SaaS platforms and Frontend Management of any site.

There are a lot of apps for businesses like Trello, MailChimp, Typeform, File hosting, and many others. They are making a lot of money. You probably have clients, friends, or business partners paying hundreds or thousands of dollars per month for using those apps. You can use our...

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9Nex.org updated WP Frontend Admin (Premium) with a new update entry:

WP Frontend Admin Premium Update Release V1.22.3

WP Frontend Admin Premium Release Note = 1.22.3 - 2024-10-01 =

  • CHANGE - Unset WPMU settings when we detect the site is running in WildCloud
  • CHANGE - Improve WildCloud compatibility
  • CHANGE - Improve compatibility with Eventin plugin.
  • FIX - Remove the X-FRAME-OPTIONS header added by WP
  • FIX - Elementor - Disable the element cache when the page uses our shortcode to prevent content issues
  • FIX - WooCommerce - Prevent ever-growing height on mobile for WC admin...

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